

Whenever several human cases appear, even in remote villages in Indonesia or Egypt, local officials and World Health Organization teams move in to kill all the local poultry and dose all the humans with antiviral drugs -- the so-called Tamiflu blanket strategy.



The Qinghai strain has a mutation known as PB2 E627K.

The change helps the virus grow at the temperatures found in human noses, which are cooler than the insides of birds’ intestines.


Another mutation, increasingly common in Egypt, where the disease is still raging through poultry and occasionally infecting humans, is called M230I.

M230I is also found in typical annual flu strains like H1N1, H3N2 and influenza B; in H7 flus, which pass easily from birds to humans but usually cause nothing more serious than pinkeye; and in H3N8, the flu that has spread from dog to dog in many American kennels, often fatally.

 エジプトのThe Qinghai strainではさらにM230I変異がよく入っている。毎年のように流行するヒトインフルエンザウイルスには見られる変異らしい。

An American Navy research lab in Cairo found that two Egyptian cases had a dangerous mutation known as N294S even before they got Tamiflu.
